Corn Fever

Corn-tastic Adventures Await

Master the Corn on the Cob Microwave Hack for Quick and Easy Cooking

Corn on the cob is a beloved summer staple, but traditional cooking methods can be time-consuming and messy. Enter the microwave corn hack – a quick and easy way to enjoy perfectly cooked corn without the fuss. Simply place an unshucked ear of corn in the microwave for 2-4 minutes, depending on the size, and you’ll have juicy, tender kernels ready to enjoy.

This method eliminates the need for boiling water or heating up the grill. The corn’s natural husk acts as a steamer, locking in moisture and flavor. After cooking, let the corn cool for a few minutes before cutting off the stalk end. The husk and silk will slide right off, leaving you with a clean, ready-to-eat ear of corn.

For those who prefer their corn without the husk, wrapping it in a damp paper towel before microwaving achieves similar results. This technique works for multiple ears of corn as well, just increase the cooking time accordingly. With this simple hack, you can enjoy fresh, delicious corn on the cob any time, without the hassle.

Essential Preparations

Preparing corn on the cob in the microwave requires selecting quality ingredients and understanding the cooking process. These steps ensure a delicious and effortless result.

Selecting Fresh Corn

Choose corn with bright green, tightly wrapped husks. The silk should be golden brown and slightly sticky. Gently squeeze the ear to feel for firm, plump kernels.

Avoid corn with dry or yellowing husks, as this indicates age. Fresh corn has a sweet aroma when you peel back the husk slightly.

For best results, use corn within 1-2 days of purchase. Store it in the refrigerator with husks intact to maintain freshness.

Understanding Microwave Cooking

Microwave cooking retains corn’s natural moisture and nutrients. The husk acts as a natural steamer, trapping heat and moisture during cooking.

Cooking time varies based on the number of ears:

  • 1 ear: 2 minutes
  • 2 ears: 4 minutes
  • 3 ears: 5 minutes
  • 4 ears: 6 minutes

Place corn directly in the microwave with husks on. No additional water is needed. The silk will come off easily after cooking.

Let corn cool for 5 minutes before handling. Cut off the stalk end and squeeze from the top to slide out the perfectly cooked ear.

Microwave Cooking Technique

Microwaving corn on the cob is a quick and convenient method that preserves its natural sweetness and moisture. This technique offers multiple approaches to suit different preferences and corn preparations.

Cooking Corn on the Cob in the Husk

Cooking corn in its husk is the simplest microwave method. Place 1-4 ears of unhusked corn in the microwave in a single layer. For 1-2 ears, microwave on high for 3 minutes. For 3-4 ears, increase the time to 4 minutes.

The husk traps moisture, steaming the corn to perfection. This method also makes shucking easier. After cooking, let the corn cool for 5 minutes before handling.

For larger quantities, cook in batches to ensure even heating. Adjust cooking times based on microwave wattage and corn size.

Shucking Corn Post-Cooking

After microwaving, shucking becomes effortless. Cut off the stalk end about 1 inch from the bottom. Hold the corn by the uncut end and shake gently. The corn will slide out, leaving the husk and silk behind.

This technique is particularly useful for removing silk, which often sticks to raw corn. The heat loosens the silk, making it come off easily with the husk.

If some silk remains, a quick wipe with a clean cloth will remove it. Be cautious, as the corn will be hot.

Cooking Shucked Corn

For pre-shucked corn, wrap each ear in a damp paper towel before microwaving. This mimics the natural husk, retaining moisture during cooking.

Microwave on high for 2 minutes per ear. For multiple ears, add 1 minute per additional ear. For example, 2 ears would cook for 3 minutes, 3 ears for 4 minutes, and so on.

After cooking, carefully remove the paper towel. The corn will be hot and steamy. Let it cool briefly before handling or serving.

Using a Microwave-Safe Plate

While not always necessary, a microwave-safe plate can be helpful. It catches any moisture that may leak from the corn during cooking.

For husked corn, place the wrapped ears on the plate. For unhusked corn, the plate provides a stable surface and makes removal easier.

Some microwave-safe plates have raised edges or ridges that allow steam to circulate, promoting even cooking. If using such a plate, position the corn to maximize air flow around each ear.

Always use oven mitts when removing the plate from the microwave, as it will be hot.

Serving Corn on the Cob

Freshly microwaved corn on the cob offers a delicious and convenient side dish. Proper serving techniques enhance the flavor and presentation of this classic summer staple.

Serving Suggestions

Serve corn on the cob whole or cut into smaller sections for easier handling. Place the corn on a platter or individual plates, depending on the meal setting. For a casual outdoor barbecue, wrap each ear in foil to keep it warm. At more formal gatherings, use corn holders for a tidier eating experience.

Pair corn on the cob with grilled meats, salads, or other summer vegetables. It complements dishes like burgers, ribs, and grilled chicken perfectly. For a Mexican-inspired meal, serve it alongside tacos or fajitas.

Consider offering corn as part of a build-your-own station. Provide various toppings and let guests customize their corn to their liking.

Buttering and Flavoring

Traditional butter remains a popular choice for flavoring corn. Spread softened butter directly on the hot corn or roll the cob on a stick of butter. For even coverage, use a pastry brush to apply melted butter.

Experiment with compound butters by mixing in herbs, spices, or citrus zest. Garlic herb butter or chili lime butter add exciting flavors to sweet corn.

For a healthier option, brush the corn with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Create a Mexican street corn-inspired version by coating the corn with mayonnaise, then sprinkling with chili powder, cotija cheese, and fresh cilantro.

Try spice rubs or seasoning blends for a dry flavor boost. Cajun seasoning, Old Bay, or a simple mix of salt, pepper, and paprika work well.

Safety and Tips

Microwaving corn on the cob offers convenience, but requires attention to cooking times and handling. Proper technique ensures delicious results while avoiding burns or overcooked kernels.

Cooking Time Considerations

Microwave power levels vary, so adjust cooking times accordingly. Start with 2 minutes per ear for fresh corn, adding 30-second increments if needed. Older corn may require slightly longer. For multiple ears, increase time but avoid overcooking. Four ears typically need 5-6 minutes total.

Check doneness by gently squeezing – kernels should yield slightly. Let corn rest 3-5 minutes after cooking to finish steaming and cool slightly. This also makes removing husks and silk easier.

Handling Hot Corn

Use caution when removing corn from the microwave. Steam can cause burns. Wear oven mitts or use tongs. Let corn cool 3-5 minutes before handling directly.

To remove husks safely, cut off the stem end with a sharp knife. Hold the top (tassel end) with a towel and squeeze – the corn should slide out easily. Be careful of escaping steam.

Corn silk comes off more easily after microwaving. Gently brush away any remaining strands with a clean kitchen towel or soft brush. Serve immediately for best flavor and texture.

Leftovers and Storage

A microwave with a plate of leftover corn on the cob covered with a microwave-safe lid, ready for storage

Properly storing leftover corn on the cob preserves its flavor and texture. Reheating techniques ensure you can enjoy this delicious side dish again.

Refrigerating Cooked Corn

Store cooked corn on the cob in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in plastic wrap. Place it in the refrigerator within two hours of cooking. Properly stored, cooked corn on the cob will last 3-5 days.

For longer storage, remove kernels from the cob before refrigerating. Cut kernels off with a sharp knife, place them in a sealed container, and refrigerate for up to 5-7 days.

To freeze corn, remove kernels and spread them on a baking sheet. Freeze until solid, then transfer to freezer bags. Frozen corn kernels will keep for 6-8 months.

Reheating Corn on the Cob

Microwave reheating is quick and effective. Wrap each ear of corn in a damp paper towel. Microwave on high for 30-60 seconds per ear, depending on size.

For oven reheating, preheat to 350°F (175°C). Wrap corn in foil with a pat of butter. Heat for 5-7 minutes, turning once halfway through.

To reheat on the stovetop, bring a pot of water to a boil. Add corn and cook for 2-3 minutes until heated through.

Grilling adds a smoky flavor. Brush corn with butter or oil, wrap in foil, and grill for 3-5 minutes, turning occasionally.